About me

It is always tough to describe yourself, isn’t it? Anyway, I consider myself a nerdy geek let’s say, and a strong believer of sharing in all senses. That is why this Docs Website and My Personal Website exist actually. Open Source for the win!

Currently I am working as a Head of Engineering (previously Director of Mobile). This has been a role switch in the last few years, getting into a more strategic position by helping companies and teams to develop themselves, to be productive and reach out their goals.

In the last 15 years I worked as Core Engineer and Tech Lead mainly focused on Mobile Development but with a full-stack mindset as well. I also had the opportunity to be Engineer Manager since I love solving people’s problems and keeping teams motivated without losing entirely the technical side of things.

Part of my career includes a Developer Advocate (Developer Relations) position, which led me to speak at conferences and spread and share knowledge through open source, communities and blog posts.

Previously I started as a developer and later converted to an agile coach. I created a bunch of start-ups too which gave me a lot of lessons learned that I’m sharing here.

Being social and helping in any way I can, is one the things I like and enjoy the most!. You can find me here:

I think that summarizes a bit what I have done so far. Time flies by!

About this site

This website has been built using Jekyll. It was inspired by template called Docsy, which is a Jekyll theme, based on the Beautiful Docsy that renders with Hugo.

See the original respository for more details. This version is hosted on GitHub pages.


If you need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any of the mentioned social networks. Thanks for visiting and reading.